
#investigation: Top Trending investigation GPTs

OSINT Investigator
OSINT Investigator
by Aida Koknaovic
Say hi and let me help you craft a strong hypothesis and framework for you next OSINT investigation.
1K 3.9 (25) 0 Updated 9 months
Oráculo Jurídico Criminalista (Direito Penal)
Oráculo Jurídico Criminalista (Direito Penal)
by Rafael Bittencourt
Assistente especializado em Direito Penal Brasileiro, oferecendo auxílio em defesa criminal, consultoria em improbidade administrativa, suporte em investigações, elaboração de petições etc. Possuo acesso a legislações e jurisprudências atualizadas. Fins Educacionais, não substituo advogado..
1K 4.3 (23) 0 Education Updated 9 months
True Crime
True Crime
by ai-gen.co
Dives into true crime stories with detailed analysis
400 4.5 (8) 0 Lifestyle Updated 9 months
国会議事録検索 for GPTs
国会議事録検索 for GPTs
by 株式会社自動処理
300 0 Updated 9 months
Hotspot Detective
Hotspot Detective
by isle.black
208 0 Research Updated 9 months
Sherlock AI
Sherlock AI
A master detective GPT, adept in analysis, deduction, and intuitive problem-solving.
102 1 Education Updated 9 months
Secret Revealer
Secret Revealer
by WBS Training AG (DCE)
You want to know secrets from the world of the beautiful and rich, you are interested in the truth about what is really happening in the world. Then just ask Secret Revealer. Secret Revealer has answers to the most explosive questions that will change your life. Start today before it's too late.
100 0 Education Updated 9 months
Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker
by James Walford
AI Investigator
100 0 Updated 9 months
8-Bit Detective, a text adventure game
8-Bit Detective, a text adventure game
by Robert S Bartel
Investigate (and pixelate) a true crime mystery. Let me entertain you with this interactive true crime mystery game, lovingly illustrated in the style of 8-bit video games.
90 0 Lifestyle Updated 9 months
AI Detective
AI Detective
by Konstantin Garbers
Ever wondered about this new twitter user, internet personality or enterpreneur? Find out more!
70 0 Updated 9 months
Truth Seeker GPT
Truth Seeker GPT
by Kenneth Bastian
Digital detective for conspiracy theories using facts, web research, and the TAP theory method
70 0 Other Updated 11 months
Murder Mystery: Shadows of Liar
Murder Mystery: Shadows of Liar
You are a detective chasing down a murderer. Find out who the culprit is by interviewing people in the area. あなたは殺人事件の犯人を追う探偵です。周辺の人たちから聞き込みをして犯人をつき止めてください。
70 0 Lifestyle Updated 9 months
Korea Who GPT
Korea Who GPT
한국 경제를 이끄는 리더들의 모든 것. 비전과 전략, 성과와 과제, 사건과 사고, 논란과 평가, 어록까지 일선 기자들이 취재하고 조사해 알려 드립니다. #who is #후이즈 #비즈니스포스트 #인물정보 #businesspost.co.kr
60 0 Education Updated 11 months
OSINT Search Tools Database
OSINT Search Tools Database
by Jared B Wells
A repository of websites, blogs, newspapers, search engines, tools, data mines, archives, security research, broadcast stations, internet services, magazines, press agencies, and other resources for those who wish to follow the sage advice “Do Your Own Research”.
60 0 Updated 9 months
Corrado Malanga
Corrado Malanga
by Gabriele Cataldi
Aiuta a ricercare informazioni di tipo ufologico, legato essenzialmente al mondo dell'ufologia e dei misteri in genere
50 0 Other Updated 9 months
Help Find Maura Murray
Help Find Maura Murray
by Adam Grant
Travel to the time and place of the real life 2004 missing persons case of Maura Murray. Ask the real people involved to investigate based on true information and transcripts related to the case.
50 0 Other Updated 9 months
by Tony Moore
I help you Investigate Cryptocurrencies! BlockSpector is an expert in cryptocurrency, Web2 and Web3 trained on openly available investigation methodologies.
30 0 Research Updated 9 months
Police Case Detective Game
Police Case Detective Game
by elushis.com
Friendly, immersive detective game with dynamic choices and consequences.
30 0 Lifestyle Updated 9 months
