
#educators: Top Trending educators GPTs

AI Content Detector
AI Content Detector
by Ratan Kumar Sarkar
AI Content Detector is a sophisticated tool designed to identify and analyze text generated by artificial intelligence. It helps maintain authenticity and integrity in writing by distinguishing between AI-generated and human-created content, essential for educators and publishers.
10K 4.1 (150) 0 Research Updated 8 months
Test Maker
Test Maker
by Sean A Aulsebrook
I create customized tests from files.
1K 4.4 (112) 0 Updated 8 months
by Harsha
Analyzes syllabi and question papers to create new exam questions.
1K 3.9 (94) 0 Other Updated 8 months
MCQ Creation Assistant
MCQ Creation Assistant
by Rowboater AB
Generates high-quality multiple-choice questions with detailed feedback based on topics or texts you provide.
1K 4.3 (55) 0 Education Updated 8 months
Syllabus Creator Pro
Syllabus Creator Pro
by gptscholars.com
Expert in crafting tailored syllabi for specific courses.
700 4.1 (31) 0 Updated 8 months
Diploma-GPT(IB Diploma)
Diploma-GPT(IB Diploma)
by Abhijeet Gawande
Diploma-GPT is the most knowledgeable tool for International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Educators for Teaching and Learning.
700 4.5 (15) 0 Education Updated 8 months
Bruno: Especialista en LOMLOE
Bruno: Especialista en LOMLOE
Contiene todos los decretos de la ley a nivel estatal. Más GPT en https://ja.cat/eduGPT
600 3.9 (15) 0 Updated 8 months
Planejador de Aulas BNCC GPT
Planejador de Aulas BNCC GPT
by Alexandre Abu Jamra
GPT focado em desenvolver planos de aulas alinhados com a BNCC e a matriz curricular brasileira, incentivando o "aprender-a-aprender" e a pesquisa autônoma dos alunos
200 0 Other Updated 8 months
Lesson Slide Maker
Lesson Slide Maker
by J.N. Simon
Create (lesson) slides based on provided content areas or standards including images. Great for teachers, coaches, and business.
100 0 Updated 8 months
Oto EduGuide
Oto EduGuide
by Xing Zhao
100 0 Other Updated 8 months
Grading Assistant
Grading Assistant
Grading assistant that helps grade research papers based on the desired format and a scoring rubric. Both format and rubric are provided by the user.
100 0 Education Updated 8 months
Rubric Generator
Rubric Generator
by checkfu.com
I create custom rubrics for educators
100 0 Updated 8 months
Refresh My Knowledge
Refresh My Knowledge
by khanacademy.org
Feeling a little dusty on some details? I'm Khanmigo Lite - an AI powered teaching assistant designed by and for educators to help teachers & parents brush up on subjects. To kick off the conversation, could you share what grade level and topic you’d like to review?
100 4.8 (5) 0 Other Updated 8 months
Gifted Lesson Drafting
Gifted Lesson Drafting
by Anna Fonua
Drafts inquiry-based lesson plans for gifted learners.
70 0 Education Updated 8 months
Kahoot Creator
Kahoot Creator
by Gregor Fütterer
Guides creating Kahoot quizzes
70 0 Education Updated 8 months
Curriculum Consultant V3
Curriculum Consultant V3
by Douglas Sutherland
A curriculum assistant for the Australian Curriculum V9. Develop whole units of work in any subject area.
60 0 Education Updated 8 months
Teacher's Ally
Teacher's Ally
by sphereai.ai
A global ally for teachers, offering creative lesson plans, ADHD support, and engaging teaching strategies.
60 0 Education Updated 10 months
by Stacy D Lovdahl
Supportive coach for educators, offering research-based teaching strategies and sparking innovation.
50 0 Updated 10 months
NGSS Aligner
NGSS Aligner
by checkfu.com
Align lessons to Next Generation Science Standards
50 0 Updated 8 months
