Flights Finder
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June 02,2024
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I need a flight with no stops and minimal baggage restrictions.
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1. Function Calls
Field | Value |
action_id | g-0b48a9699b9b525b0fa1c9f9664b36f0f1cb9fb7 |
domain | |
json_schema | {"openapi"=>"3.0.0", "paths"=>{"/api/locations/query"=>{"get"=>{"operationId"=>"LocationsController_queryLocations", "parameters"=>[], "responses"=>{"200"=>{"description"=>""}}}}, "/api/flights/search"=>{"get"=>{"operationId"=>"FlightsController_searchFlights", "summary"=>"Search for flights", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"flyTo", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Array of IATA code identifiers of the destination airports (or KIWI location ids). Example - LGW", "schema"=>{"type"=>"array", "items"=>{"type"=>"string"}}}, {"name"=>"flyFrom", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Array of IATA code identifiers of the origin airports (or KIWI location ids). Example - CDG", "schema"=>{"type"=>"array", "items"=>{"type"=>"string"}}}, {"name"=>"startDate", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"A date string. The start date of the vacation. For example - 2023-12-01", "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"endDate", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"A date string. The end date of the vacation. For example - 2023-12-31", "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"daysBuffer", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Define the range for the outbound and the return flights. For example - 1, will search for flights 1 day before & 1 day after the specified start & end dates. Optional", "schema"=>{"type"=>"number"}}, {"name"=>"cabinBags", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Cabin bags, maximum 1 bag per person", "schema"=>{"minimum"=>0, "maximum"=>1, "type"=>"number"}}, {"name"=>"checkedBags", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Checked bags, maximum 2 bags per person", "schema"=>{"minimum"=>0, "maximum"=>2, "type"=>"number"}}, {"name"=>"numberOfAdults", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Number of adults passengers", "schema"=>{"type"=>"number"}}], "responses"=>{"200"=>{"description"=>"The found flights", "content"=>{"application/json"=>{"schema"=>{"type"=>"array", "items"=>{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementClass"}}}}}}, "tags"=>["flights"]}}, "/api/flights/search-flexible"=>{"get"=>{"operationId"=>"FlightsController_searchFlightsFlexible", "summary"=>"Search for flights", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"flyTo", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Array of IATA code identifiers of the destination airports (or KIWI location ids).", "schema"=>{"type"=>"array", "items"=>{"type"=>"string"}}}, {"name"=>"flyFrom", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Array of IATA code identifiers of the origin airports (or KIWI location ids).", "schema"=>{"type"=>"array", "items"=>{"type"=>"string"}}}, {"name"=>"month", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"A value from 1 to 12, represents a month of the year. 1 for January, 2 for February and so on", "schema"=>{"type"=>"number"}}, {"name"=>"numberOfNights", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"The number of nights the user is willing to spend in the destination", "schema"=>{"type"=>"number"}}, {"name"=>"cabinBags", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Cabin bags, maximum 1 bag per person", "schema"=>{"minimum"=>0, "maximum"=>1, "type"=>"number"}}, {"name"=>"checkedBags", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Checked bags, maximum 2 bags per person", "schema"=>{"minimum"=>0, "maximum"=>2, "type"=>"number"}}, {"name"=>"numberOfAdults", "required"=>true, "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Number of adults passengers", "schema"=>{"type"=>"number"}}], "responses"=>{"200"=>{"description"=>"The found flights", "content"=>{"application/json"=>{"schema"=>{"type"=>"array", "items"=>{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementClass"}}}}}}, "tags"=>["flights"]}}}, "info"=>{"title"=>"Wertu API", "description"=>"", "version"=>"1.0", "contact"=>{}}, "tags"=>[{"name"=>"flights", "description"=>""}], "servers"=>[{"url"=>"", "description"=>""}], "components"=>{"schemas"=>{"KiwiSearchResponseElementDurationClass"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"departure"=>{"type"=>"number"}, "return"=>{"type"=>"number"}, "total"=>{"type"=>"number"}}, "required"=>["departure", "return", "total"]}, "KiwiSearchResponseElementCountryClass"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"code"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"The origin country code."}, "name"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"The origin country name."}}, "required"=>["code", "name"]}, "KiwiSearchResponseElementBagsPriceClass"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"1"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Price of first checked baggage"}}, "required"=>["1"]}, "KiwiSearchResponseElementBaglimitClass"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"hand_width"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Width of hand baggage in cm"}, "hand_height"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Height of hand baggage in cm"}, "hand_length"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Length of hand baggage in cm"}, "hand_weight"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Weight of hand baggage in kg"}, "hold_width"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Width of hold baggage in cm"}, "hold_height"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Height of hold baggage in cm"}, "hold_length"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Length of hold baggage in cm"}, "hold_dimensions_sum"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Sum of hold baggage dimensions"}, "hold_weight"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Weight of hold baggage in kg"}}, "required"=>["hand_width", "hand_height", "hand_length", "hand_weight", "hold_width", "hold_height", "hold_length", "hold_dimensions_sum", "hold_weight"]}, "KiwiSearchResponseElementAvailabilityClass"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"seats"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Number of available seats under availability"}}, "required"=>["seats"]}, "KiwiSearchResponseElementConversionClass"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"USD"=>{"type"=>"number"}, "EUR"=>{"type"=>"number"}}, "required"=>["USD", "EUR"]}, "KiwiSearchResponseElementRouteClass"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"fare_category"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Reflects the fare selected in selected_cabins. The values of fares are: M (economy), W (economy premium), C (business), F (first class). If selected_cabins are not used, default value M (economy class is used as default.)"}, "return"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"This parameter indicates whether the segment is outbound or inbound sector. 0 for no, 1 for yes."}, "bags_recheck_required"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"This parameter displayes whether bags need to be rechecked or not for a particular segment. If true - bags need to be rechecked, false - no need to recheck bags."}, "vi_connection"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"Information whether the connection between two segments is virtually interlined. Additional parameter to existing “virtual_interlining” parameter."}, "guarantee"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"The guarantee parameter identifies if the segment is covered by guarantee"}, "id"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"ID of a particular segment."}, "combination_id"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"ID of a particular segment."}, "cityTo"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"The name of the destination city in the requested language (locale). In case of emergency, fallback to English."}, "cityFrom"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"The name of the city of origin in the requested language (locale). In case of emergency, fallback to English."}, "cityCodeFrom"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Represents city code of departure city. If it does not have a city code it can be null."}, "cityCodeTo"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Represents city code of arrival city. If it does not have a city code it can be null."}, "flyTo"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"IATA code identifier of the destination airport."}, "flyFrom"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"IATA code identifier of the origin airport."}, "airline"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Represents the name of a marketing carrier."}, "operating_carrier"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Represents code of the operating carrier. This may not always be a reliable or available source of data."}, "flight_no"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Represents flight number."}, "vehicle_type"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"This parameter can contain the following values: bus, train, plane."}, "operating_flight_no"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Flight number of the operating (flying) carrier. It may not always be available."}, "local_arrival"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Time of arrival in ISO timestamp."}, "utc_arrival"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"UTC arrival time."}, "local_departure"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Time of departure in ISO timestamp."}, "utc_departure"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"UTC departure time."}}, "required"=>["fare_category", "return", "bags_recheck_required", "vi_connection", "guarantee", "id", "combination_id", "cityTo", "cityFrom", "cityCodeFrom", "cityCodeTo", "flyTo", "flyFrom", "airline", "operating_carrier", "flight_no", "vehicle_type", "operating_flight_no", "local_arrival", "utc_arrival", "local_departure", "utc_departure"]}, "KiwiSearchResponseElementClass"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"id"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"The id of the itinerary"}, "nightsInDest"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"The number of nights in the destination"}, "duration"=>{"description"=>"Represents the departure, return, and total time - all in seconds", "allOf"=>[{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementDurationClass"}]}, "flyFrom"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"IATA code identifier of the origin airport."}, "cityFrom"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"The name of the city of origin in the requested language (locale). In case of emergency, fallback to English."}, "cityCodeFrom"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Represents city code of departure city. If it does not have a city code it can be null."}, "countryFrom"=>{"description"=>"The name of the country of origin in the requested locale. In case of emergency, fallback to English.", "allOf"=>[{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementCountryClass"}]}, "flyTo"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"IATA code identifier of the origin airport."}, "cityTo"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"The name of the destination city in the requested language (locale). In case of emergency, fallback to English."}, "cityCodeTo"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Represents city code of arrival city. If it does not have a city code it can be null."}, "countryTo"=>{"description"=>"The name of the destination country in the requested locale. In case of emergency, fallback to English.", "allOf"=>[{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementCountryClass"}]}, "distance"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Distance from the origin to the destination in km."}, "airlines"=>{"description"=>"Contains a list of airlines on the specific route.", "type"=>"array", "items"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, "has_airport_change"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"Displays whether the departure airport has changed compared to the arrival airport (you can find this in the route information)."}, "technical_stops"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Number of technical stops. It is visible from route represented as well by 2 segments with the same flight number."}, "throw_away_ticketing"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"A parameter in the Search API response that shows the itineraries with throwaway ticketing in them. These types of itineraries can be disabled per request."}, "hidden_city_ticketing"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"Optional feature that is enabled in the search setup upon request only. Once enabled, the Search API response shows hidden cities itineraries (which are disabled by default) and marks them with the hidden_city_ticketing flag."}, "price"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"The price parameter contains a price for the whole itinerary. Use it always in the requested currency."}, "bags_price"=>{"description"=>"Baggage prices", "allOf"=>[{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementBagsPriceClass"}]}, "baglimit"=>{"description"=>"Maximum dimensions and weight of baggage", "allOf"=>[{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementBaglimitClass"}]}, "availability"=>{"description"=>"This parameter displays a number of remaining seats if the API can get it. If it can't get the exact amount, it will be null.", "allOf"=>[{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementAvailabilityClass"}]}, "facilitated_booking_available"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"This parameter informs about convenience or inconvenience for facilitated booking. If you do not use facilitated bookings, do not use this parameter as well."}, "conversion"=>{"description"=>"A parameter which contains a list with the price displayed in two values - in the selected currency and in EUR. If you selected currency in EUR, the only displayed price value will be in EUR.", "allOf"=>[{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementConversionClass"}]}, "quality"=>{"type"=>"number", "description"=>"Exact details are subject to internal logic. Use it if you want to sort your flights according to quality. The lower the number the better."}, "booking_token"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"A booking_token is an encrypted string which includes information about the itinerary you chose in our search. You can find it in the search response, and it is used again in the booking API. The booking_token is usually generated during the search for segments and utilised throughout the booking process as the itinerary information holder. Do not confuse it with the BID."}, "virtual_interlining"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"True if there are multiple flights in a segment (outbound/return) provided by airlines that do not cooperate together or when a segment is provided by one airline, but the flights have different PNRs. False if each segment is a single flight, or if all the flights in each segment are provided by one airline under one PNR. If all the flights in one segment are under one PNR and all the flights in the other segment are under a different PNR, virtual interlining will be False."}, "route"=>{"description"=>"Information about route.", "type"=>"array", "items"=>{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/KiwiSearchResponseElementRouteClass"}}, "local_arrival"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Time of arrival in ISO timestamp format."}, "utc_arrival"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"UTC arrival time."}, "local_departure"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Time of departure in ISO timestamp format."}, "utc_departure"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"UTC departure time."}, "deep_link"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Displays a hyperlink which links a customer to website. This is visible only for solutions where the customer is redirected to website to finish booking (metasearch and affiliate program)."}}, "required"=>["id", "nightsInDest", "duration", "flyFrom", "cityFrom", "cityCodeFrom", "countryFrom", "flyTo", "cityTo", "cityCodeTo", "countryTo", "distance", "airlines", "has_airport_change", "technical_stops", "throw_away_ticketing", "hidden_city_ticketing", "price", "bags_price", "baglimit", "availability", "facilitated_booking_available", "conversion", "quality", "booking_token", "virtual_interlining", "route", "local_arrival", "utc_arrival", "local_departure", "utc_departure", "deep_link"]}}}} |
auth | {"type":"none"} |
privacy_policy_url | |
Capabilitiy | Function | Tools |
Web Browsing | Real-Time Access and search the internet for information, articles, and data. | Browser |
DALLE•E | Generate unique images based on textual descriptions provided. | Dalle |
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