GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai

GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai

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About GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai

Natural language search over 355,000 public GPTs . Highly rated by community. Uncover your inspiration with the ultimate search accuracy and speed.


  • GPTs Creator Sno Ai
  • Categories Productivity
  • GPT Updated May 25,2024
  • Updated June 03,2024


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GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai
GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai

By Sno Ai

GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai is inactive right now!

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What Can GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai Do with ChatGPT?

This GPTs for creators and developers can do quick and accurate GPT exploration for any project or inspiration.

1. Function Calls
Field Value
action_id g-43a874b2e1ae106adead436ba86449cd5531d552
domain sno.ai
json_schema {"openapi"=>"3.0.1", "info"=>{"title"=>"Custom GPT Search API", "description"=>"This API provides search functionality for Custom GPT links and information.", "version"=>"1.0.1"}, "servers"=>[{"url"=>"https://sno.ai/api/v1", "description"=>"Main API server"}], "paths"=>{"/gptsearch/keyword"=>{"post"=>{"operationId"=>"keywordSearchGPT", "summary"=>"Performs a full-text keyword search.", "description"=>"Fetches search results based on a full-text keyword query.", "requestBody"=>{"required"=>true, "content"=>{"application/json"=>{"schema"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"query"=>{"type"=>"string"}}}}}}, "responses"=>{"200"=>{"description"=>"A JSON object containing the search results.", "content"=>{"application/json"=>{"schema"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"title"=>{"type"=>"string"}, "status"=>{"type"=>"integer"}, "data"=>{"type"=>"array", "items"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"title"=>{"type"=>"string"}, "description"=>{"type"=>"string"}, "language"=>{"type"=>"string"}, "url"=>{"type"=>"string", "format"=>"uri"}}}}}}}}}, "400"=>{"description"=>"Bad request, possibly due to missing or invalid parameters."}, "500"=>{"description"=>"Internal server error."}}}}, "/gptsearch/semantic"=>{"post"=>{"operationId"=>"semanticSearchGPT", "summary"=>"Performs a semantic search.", "description"=>"Fetches search results based on a digested semantic query.", "requestBody"=>{"required"=>true, "content"=>{"application/json"=>{"schema"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"query"=>{"type"=>"string"}}}}}}, "responses"=>{"200"=>{"description"=>"A JSON object containing the semantic search results.", "content"=>{"application/json"=>{"schema"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"title"=>{"type"=>"string"}, "status"=>{"type"=>"integer"}, "data"=>{"type"=>"array", "items"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"title"=>{"type"=>"string"}, "description"=>{"type"=>"string"}, "language"=>{"type"=>"string"}, "url"=>{"type"=>"string", "format"=>"uri"}}}}}}}}}, "400"=>{"description"=>"Bad request, possibly due to missing or invalid parameters."}, "500"=>{"description"=>"Internal server error."}}}}}, "components"=>{"securitySchemes"=>{"ApiKeyAuth"=>{"type"=>"apiKey", "in"=>"header", "name"=>"X-Api-Key"}}, "schemas"=>{}}, "security"=>[{"ApiKeyAuth"=>[]}]}
auth {"type":"service_http","instructions":"","authorization_type":"custom","verification_tokens":{},"custom_auth_header":"X-Api-Key"}
privacy_policy_url https://sno.ai/legal/privacy
Capabilitiy Function Tools
Web Browsing Real-Time Access and search the internet for information, articles, and data. Browser


Currently, this GPTs is not free and is available exclusively to ChatGPT Plus users.

Yes, besides requiring a ChatGPT Plus membership, if you use the GPT-4 model (with DALL·E, browsing, and data analysis), the limit is 25 'GPTs' messages / 3 hours, More limited than normal 40 GPT4 responses per 3 hours, 

The enterprise version of ChatGPT is,  100 GPT-4 messages per 3 hours.

GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai is publicly available in the upcoming OpenAI's GPT Store, making it widely accessible to anyone interested in using this advanced ChatGPT.

GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai is owned by Sno Ai, who has also created 2 other GPTs, namely Jarvis Coder 👨‍💻 by Sno Ai.

no, we found no file uploaded. You can check the function section to see if there are other unique features. If not, this GPTs is just a simple prompt engineering, and its knowledge base is synchronized with the general ChatGPT, latest training up to April 2023.

No, only Sno Ai can edit this GPTs. They can configure and update GPTs through GPT Builder at https://chat.openai.com/gpts/editor/g-HKX8QlaM9. The last modification date of GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai was 2024-05-25 20:40:27 UTC.

Yes, conversations with GPT Explorer🌟by Sno Ai will be recorded. OpenAI keeps these records, and you can share your conversations via a link. Refer to OpenAI's user privacy and data security policies for more information.

Yes, if Sno Ai selected "Use conversation data in your GPT to improve our models" (in the GPTs Configure pages of Additional Settings), it means your conversations will be used for training and will influence this GPT AI agent.

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