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100 Knowledge
Browsing Data Analysis DALLE•E

About Dračák

Virtuální pán jeskyně ve hře na motivy Dungeons & Dragons


  • GPTs Creator Ydeal s.r.o.
  • Categories Lifestyle
  • GPT Updated April 18,2024
  • Updated June 03,2024

Knowledge File

  • Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)1
  • Totals1


  • Browsing Real-Time Retrieval
  • Code Interpreter Data Analysis
  • DALLE•E Image Creation

Share recipient

  • OpenAI‘s GPT Store Public



By Ydeal s.r.o.

Dračák is inactive right now!

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Jaké pravidlo Dračího doupěte potřebujete vysvětlit?
Jakou scénu nebo postavu byste chtěli do hry přidat?
Potřebujete poradit s vývojem vaší postavy?
Jaké dobrodružství byste chtěli zažít?
Ahoj Dračáku, pojď mě a mým přátelům pomoct vytvořit a nakonfigurovat postavu a pak nám začni vyprávět nové dobrodružství z fascinujícího světa Dračího doupěte.
Dračáku, chceme se dát do souboje, proveď nás sobojem a hody kostkou.
Message ChatGPT

What Can Dračák Do with ChatGPT?

This Gpts for players can participate in virtual role-playing adventures.

# File Id Type
1 gzm_cnf_wEkBduTmxxOpT3kNtnzAGi7m~gzm_file_QG04Fq4LlWOo6t2E1PBrMH2T application/pdf
Capabilitiy Function Tools
Web Browsing Real-Time Access and search the internet for information, articles, and data. Browser
Code Interpreter / Data Analysis Execute Python code for automation, calculations, and data analysis. Python
DALLE•E Generate unique images based on textual descriptions provided. Dalle


Currently, this GPTs is not free and is available exclusively to ChatGPT Plus users.

Yes, besides requiring a ChatGPT Plus membership, if you use the GPT-4 model (with DALL·E, browsing, and data analysis), the limit is 25 'GPTs' messages / 3 hours, More limited than normal 40 GPT4 responses per 3 hours, 

The enterprise version of ChatGPT is,  100 GPT-4 messages per 3 hours.

Dračák is publicly available in the upcoming OpenAI's GPT Store, making it widely accessible to anyone interested in using this advanced ChatGPT.

Dračák is created by Ydeal s.r.o., and we have discovered only this one GPTs created by Ydeal s.r.o..

no, we found no file uploaded. You can check the function section to see if there are other unique features. If not, this GPTs is just a simple prompt engineering, and its knowledge base is synchronized with the general ChatGPT, latest training up to April 2023.

No, only Ydeal s.r.o. can edit this GPTs. They can configure and update GPTs through GPT Builder at https://chat.openai.com/gpts/editor/g-EPTjSDWYT. The last modification date of Dračák was 2024-04-18 13:55:43 UTC.

Yes, conversations with Dračák will be recorded. OpenAI keeps these records, and you can share your conversations via a link. Refer to OpenAI's user privacy and data security policies for more information.

Yes, if Ydeal s.r.o. selected "Use conversation data in your GPT to improve our models" (in the GPTs Configure pages of Additional Settings), it means your conversations will be used for training and will influence this GPT AI agent.

Dračák reviews

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