Clinical Trials Expert
About Clinical Trials Expert
Utilize advanced functionalities to access global clinical trial data efficiently. All listed trials will be updated within a 24-hour timeframe. (beta-0.3)
June 02,2024
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Clinical Trials Expert
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Conduct a search for the most recent clinical trials focusing on diabetes.
Identify clinical trials targeting Alzheimer's disease currently recruiting women aged 70 years.
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Request details on Phase 3 clinical trials pertaining to pembrolizumab conducted within the United States.
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What Can Clinical Trials Expert Do with ChatGPT?
This Gpts for clinical researchers and healthcare professionals can search global clinical trial information and exploit advanced functions with ease.
1. Function Calls
Field | Value |
action_id | g-c66c1b2ac9caf54a72dae61adfd88e919135ce52 |
domain | |
json_schema | {"openapi"=>"3.1.0", "info"=>{"title"=>"Get ClinicalTrial Document by Given Keyword", "description"=>"Get a clinical trial document by given keyword. Use each parameters properly with considering its description. Extract optimal keywords for search from the question to focus on the most relevant terms for efficient searching, such as 'Alzheimer' instead of 'Alzheimer's disease'.", "version"=>"v1.0.0"}, "servers"=>[{"url"=>""}], "paths"=>{"/ct/search"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"the entire information about one clinical trial document by the given keyword. pageNumber is the index of the results. You can get other trial by changing this pageNumber. You are encouraged to set sortBy as 'id', and sortOrder as '0' if you are asked to find newly posted trials.", "operationId"=>"get_clinical_trial_document_by_given_keyword", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"keyword", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"The keyword to be used for searching. You can keep it blanked if you are asked to find any trial. Remove special characters such as [-!@#()] when you search by the keyword (For example, covid-19 can be converted to covid19). If there is word 'disease' in the keyword, remove it for better result.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"pageSize", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"The number of documents to be respond. Default value is 3.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"integer"}}, {"name"=>"pageNumber", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"An index of trial of the given result.The value must start from 1.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"integer"}}, {"name"=>"phase", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Recommend to be blanked, if there is no specific instruction. Example: 'p1,p12,p2' (comma separated w/o space)\n(Phase 0, p0), (Phase 1, p1), (Phase 2, p2), (Phase 3, p3), (Phase 1/2, p12), (Phase 1/3, p13), (Phase 2/3, p23), (Phase 3/4, p34), (Phase 4, p4),\n(Bioequivalence Test, pbt), (Expanded Access, pea), (Investigator Initiated Trial (MFDS), iit).", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"status", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Recommend to be blanked, if there is no specific instruction. Example: 'app,cpl' (comma separated w/o space)\n(Active, not recruiting / anr), (Approved / app), (Available / avl), (Completed / cpl), (Enrolling by invitation / ebi), (In progress / ipg),\n(No longer available / nla), (Not Authorized / nau), (Not yet recruiting / nyr), (Ongoing / ong), (Prematurely Ended / pme), (Recruiting / rec),\n(Restarted / rst), (Stopped / stp), (Submit / smt), (Supplement / spl), (Suspended / sus), (Temporaily Saved / tsv), (Terminated / trm),\n(Withdrawn / wdn), (Withheld / wth)", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"sortBy", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Choose any property to be used for sorting. (default is 'metaScore', which finds the most similar trials to the given keyword.) You can choose one of ['metaScore', 'id', 'lastUpdatePostingDate']. If you want to sort the trials by their updated posting date, choose 'lastUpdatePostingDate'. If you want to find newly posted trial, you can use 'id' with descending order.", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"sortOrder", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"The sort order for the result (1 for ascending, 0 for descending). (It is disabled when sortBy rule is metaScore).", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"integer"}}, {"name"=>"country", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"You can find trials conducted in a certain country.", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"location", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"You can find trials conducted in a certain location. Mostly it is affiliation name.", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"sponsor", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"You can find trials conducted by a certain sponsor or a company. When you are asked to find trial which is conducted by certain organization, use this parameter.", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"intervention", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"You can find trials intervened by a certain drug or a medical device. When you are asked to find trials with certain drugs, use this parameter.", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"studyType", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Recommend to be blanked, if there is no specific instruction. You can find specific study type by choosing one of ['interv', 'observ', 'ea', 'others']. 'interv' means interventional study, 'observ' means observational study, 'ea' means expanded access study, 'others' means other types of studies, 'na' means not available.", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"age", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"You can input specific age (number) so that find trials can be participated for certain age. (find the trial of which eligibility criteria includes the certain age.)", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"integer"}}, {"name"=>"gender", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"Recommend to be blanked. Use this parameter only for excluding a specific gender. You can choose one of ['m', 'f', 'all']. If you have to exclude trial for female, use 'm'. If you have to exclude trial for male, use 'f'. Searching by a specific gender doesn't mean excluding opposite gender! For example, if you are asked to find a trial for male, leave it blanked or choose 'all'.", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"hv", "in"=>"query", "description"=>"You can find specific trials by condition, whether healthy volunteer is included. You can choose one of ['y', 'n']. 'y' menas yes, 'n' means no.", "required"=>false, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/ct/{id}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"If you have obtained trial '_id' by requesting other actions, you can get detailed trial information by this endpoint. The 'id' parameter is an integer value, only used in this model. A '_id' list in 'cbr' of the respond means relevant trials, so you can continuosly re-find similar trial", "operationId"=>"get_detailed_trial_information_by_trial_id", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"id", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The identifier of clinical trial", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"integer"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}}, "components"=>{"schemas"=>{}}} |
auth | {"type":"none"} |
privacy_policy_url | |
Capabilitiy | Function | Tools |
DALLE•E | Generate unique images based on textual descriptions provided. | Dalle |
Code Interpreter / Data Analysis | Execute Python code for automation, calculations, and data analysis. | Python |
Web Browsing | Real-Time Access and search the internet for information, articles, and data. | Browser |
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