About BookRecommender
I recommend books tailored to your taste.
November 10,2023
- GPTs Creator Yuedong Lin
- GPT Updated November 10,2023
- Updated April 08,2024
- DALLE•E ✓Image Creation
- Code Interpreter ✓Data Analysis
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By Yuedong Lin
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1. Function Calls
Field | Value |
action_id | g-b29ee401fef5cc939c96f649d2b76de96d383436 |
domain | gpts.webpilot.ai |
json_schema | {"openapi"=>"3.0.1", "info"=>{"title"=>"web_pilot", "description"=>"This plugin allows users to input a URL retrieves the web page content, and returns a comprehensible summary of it. Also allows user to access real-time content.", "version"=>"v1.1"}, "servers"=>[{"url"=>"https://gpts.webpilot.ai"}], "paths"=>{"/api/visit-web"=>{"post"=>{"operationId"=>"visitWebPage", "x-openai-isConsequential"=>false, "summary"=>"visit web page", "requestBody"=>{"required"=>true, "content"=>{"application/json"=>{"schema"=>{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/visitWebPageRequest"}}}}, "responses"=>{"200"=>{"description"=>"OK", "content"=>{"application/json"=>{"schema"=>{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/visitWebPageResponse"}}}}, "400"=>{"description"=>"Bad Request", "content"=>{"application/json"=>{"schema"=>{"$ref"=>"#/components/schemas/visitWebPageError"}}}}}}}}, "components"=>{"schemas"=>{"visitWebPageResponse"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"title"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"The title of this web page"}, "content"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"The content of the web page's url to be summarized"}, "meta"=>{"type"=>"object", "description"=>"The Html meta info of the web page"}, "links"=>{"type"=>"array", "description"=>"Some links in the web page", "items"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, "extra_search_results"=>{"type"=>"array", "description"=>"Additional Search results", "items"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"title"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"the title of this search result"}, "link"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"the link of this search result"}, "snippet"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"the snippet of this search result"}}}}, "todo"=>{"type"=>"array", "description"=>"what to do with the content", "items"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, "tips"=>{"type"=>"array", "description"=>"Tips placed at the end of the answer", "items"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, "rules"=>{"description"=>"Adherence is required when outputting content.", "items"=>{"type"=>"string"}}}}, "visitWebPageRequest"=>{"type"=>"object", "required"=>["link", "ur"], "properties"=>{"link"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Required, The web page's url to visit and retrieve content from."}, "ur"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Required, a clear statement of the user's request, can be used as a search query and may include search operators."}, "lp"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"Required, Whether the link is directly provided by the user"}, "rt"=>{"type"=>"boolean", "description"=>"If the last request doesn't meet user's need, set this to true when trying to retry another request."}, "l"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Required, the language used by the user in the request, according to the ISO 639-1 standard. For Chinese, use zh-CN for Simplified Chinese and zh-TW for Traditional Chinese."}}}, "visitWebPageError"=>{"type"=>"object", "properties"=>{"code"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"error code"}, "message"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"error message"}, "detail"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"error detail"}}}}}} |
auth | {"type":"none"} |
privacy_policy_url | https://gpts.webpilot.ai/privacy_policy.html |
Capabilitiy | Function | Tools |
DALLE•E | Generate unique images based on textual descriptions provided. | Dalle |
Code Interpreter / Data Analysis | Execute Python code for automation, calculations, and data analysis. | Python |