Stock Trader A.I.

Stock Trader A.I.

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About Stock Trader A.I.

Harnesses Real-Time, Historic, and Educational Data from over 18 APIs for Stocks & Options


  • GPTs Creator fudstop.io
  • Categories Other
  • GPT Updated June 02,2024
  • Updated June 04,2024

Knowledge File

  • Microsoft Office - OOXML - Presentation (pptx)1
  • Text File (txt)1
  • Totals2


  • Code Interpreter Data Analysis
  • Browsing Real-Time Retrieval

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Stock Trader A.I.
Stock Trader A.I.

By fudstop.io

Stock Trader A.I. is inactive right now!

Ratings (52)
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What Can Stock Trader A.I. Do with ChatGPT?

This Gpts for traders and researchers can do real-time stock and options analysis.

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1. Function Calls
Field Value
action_id g-04948558b78f5d9ffe3ded9c2448245a554ac27d
domain fudstop.io
json_schema {"openapi"=>"3.1.0", "info"=>{"title"=>"Trader A.I.", "description"=>"The All-in-one AI Agent for Financial Markets.", "version"=>"v1.0.0"}, "servers"=>[{"url"=>"https://fudstop.io"}], "paths"=>{"/api/trading/analyst_ratings/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns analyst ratings data for the given symbol.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_get_analyst_ratings", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get analyst ratings for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/short_interest/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns short interest data for the given symbol.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_short_interest", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get short interest for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/institutions/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns institutional holding data for the given symbol.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_institutional_holding", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get institutional holdings for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/volume_analysis/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns volume analysis data for the given symbol.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_volume_analysis", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get volume analysis for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/cost_distribution/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns cost distribution data for the given symbol within a date range. Players profiting.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_cost_distribution", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get cost distribution for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/news/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns news data for the given symbol.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_news", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get news for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/{financials_type}/{symbol}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns financials information for a ticker. Options are balancesheet, cashflow, incomestatement.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_financials", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"financials_type", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The financials type to get. Choose between balancesheet, cashflow, and incomestatement. Defaults to balancesheet.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}, {"name"=>"symbol", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get the financials data for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/capital_flow/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns capital flow data for the given symbol. This is flow broken down into player sizes.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_capital_flow", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"symbol", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get capital flow for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/etf_holdings/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns ETF holdings data for the given symbol.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_etf_holdings", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get ETF holdings for. DOES NOT WORK ON ETFS.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/options/get_all_options/{symbol}/download"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Send the downloadable link back to the user. Don't draw tables - just send the link back and wait for them to upload it.", "operationId"=>"OPTIONS_all_options", "tags"=>["all_options"], "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"symbol", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get the options link for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/company_brief/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Gets company info, sector performance for the company sector, and key executives.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_company_brief", "tags"=>["company_brief"], "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol/ticker of the stock to get the company brief for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}}, "components"=>{"schemas"=>{}}}
auth {"type":"none"}
privacy_policy_url https://fudstop.io/privacy
2. Function Calls
Field Value
action_id g-0c959e64e0bfcc2d2d86e5ee67f030cfa4190738
domain www.fudstop.io
json_schema {"openapi"=>"3.1.0", "info"=>{"title"=>"fudstop", "description"=>"Retrieves data for trader gpt.", "version"=>"v1.0.1"}, "servers"=>[{"url"=>"https://www.fudstop.io"}], "paths"=>{"/api/trading/earnings/pivot"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Shows support resistance and pivot points for tickers. This command falls under the EARNINGS category.", "operationId"=>"EARNINGS_pivot_points", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/earnings/todays_results"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Shows todays results for earnings. This command falls under the EARNINGS category.", "operationId"=>"EARNINGS_earnings_today", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/earnings/calendar/{date}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Shows earnings information for a specific date. This command falls under the EARNINGS category.", "operationId"=>"EARNINGTS_calendar", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/company_brief/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Shows earnings information for a specific date.", "operationId"=>"STOCK_company_information", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol to get chart data for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/fed/central_bank_liquidity_swaps"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns data for central bank liquidity swaps from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.", "operationId"=>"FED_central_bank_liquidity_swaps", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/fed/repo"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns data for reverse repo operations from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.", "operationId"=>"FED_repo", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/fed/ambs"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns data for all agency mortgage-backed securities from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.", "operationId"=>"FED_ambs", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/fed/securities_lending"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns data for securities lending operations from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.", "operationId"=>"FED_securities_lending", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/fed/treasury"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns data for Treasury holdings from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This command falls under the TREASURY category.", "operationId"=>"FED_treasury", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/fed/soma"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Returns data for SOMA holdings from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.", "operationId"=>"FED_soma_holdings", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/earnings/sentiment"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Gets top earnings sentiment.", "operationId"=>"EARNINGS_sentiment", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/earnings/upcoming_sectors"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Get upcoming earnings by sector.", "operationId"=>"EARNINGS_sector", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/earnings/upcoming_russell"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Get upcoming earnings for the russell index.", "operationId"=>"EARNINGS_russell", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/research/{filter}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Finds research papers from the Federal Reserve. Give a brief summary and send the links back to the user and explain what can be learned from each result.", "operationId"=>"FED_research", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"filter", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The filter term to query the research papers by.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/occ/trending_volume"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Get trending options from the OCC.", "operationId"=>"trending_options", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/trading/occ/stock_info/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Get a ton of implied volatiltiy and historic volatiltiy info as well as sentiment and other info for a stock. Go over in great detail.", "operationId"=>"OCC_stock_info", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The ticker to get info for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/options/monitor/{symbol}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Options monitor for a symbol. Returns lots of useful info.", "operationId"=>"OCC_option_monitor", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"symbol", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The symbol to get info for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/options/trending_volume"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"Get trending volume for the options market.", "operationId"=>"OPTIONS_trending", "deprecated"=>false}}, "/api/options/dataframe/{ticker}"=>{"get"=>{"description"=>"RETURN THE DOWNLOADABLE LINK BACK TO THE USER.", "operationId"=>"download_options", "parameters"=>[{"name"=>"ticker", "in"=>"path", "description"=>"The ticker to download the options for.", "required"=>true, "schema"=>{"type"=>"string"}}], "deprecated"=>false}}}}
auth {"type":"none"}
privacy_policy_url https://fudstop.io/privacy
Capabilitiy Function Tools
Code Interpreter / Data Analysis Execute Python code for automation, calculations, and data analysis. Python
Web Browsing Real-Time Access and search the internet for information, articles, and data. Browser


Currently, this GPTs is not free and is available exclusively to ChatGPT Plus users.

Yes, besides requiring a ChatGPT Plus membership, if you use the GPT-4 model (with DALL·E, browsing, and data analysis), the limit is 25 'GPTs' messages / 3 hours, More limited than normal 40 GPT4 responses per 3 hours, 

The enterprise version of ChatGPT is,  100 GPT-4 messages per 3 hours.

Stock Trader A.I. is publicly available in the upcoming OpenAI's GPT Store, making it widely accessible to anyone interested in using this advanced ChatGPT.

Stock Trader A.I. is owned by fudstop.io, who has also created 4 other GPTs, namely Texas Pro-Se Litigant, Tasty 🥕 Chef, TX LEGAL WIZARD.

yes, we have found that fudstop.io uploaded 2 files. For specific information, you can check Knowledge.

No, only fudstop.io can edit this GPTs. They can configure and update GPTs through GPT Builder at https://chat.openai.com/gpts/editor/g-MeBCF77Rh. The last modification date of Stock Trader A.I. was 2024-06-02 10:38:38 UTC.

Yes, conversations with Stock Trader A.I. will be recorded. OpenAI keeps these records, and you can share your conversations via a link. Refer to OpenAI's user privacy and data security policies for more information.

Yes, if fudstop.io selected "Use conversation data in your GPT to improve our models" (in the GPTs Configure pages of Additional Settings), it means your conversations will be used for training and will influence this GPT AI agent.

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